Bengawan Solo Festival. One of the tourist agenda routinely held every year in the city is the Festival Solo solo. The festival is held in the flow of the Solo River. Festival participants prepare boats and canoes to follow this festival. Tercata in 2015 there were 26 contestants and 25 ornamental raft canoe race participants. The festival is to show the public the potential of tourism that can be developed at the Solo River. The main purpose of this festival is to invite people to care about the cleanliness of the river which has probably already started forgotten.
Friday, April 10, 2015
Monday, April 6, 2015
Solo Indonesia Culinary Festival
Solo Indonesia Culinary Festival at the title at 2 - 5 April 2015 held at Fort Vastenburg. Originally this festival provides a traditional culinary offerings archipelago. The committee provides 105 booths, which can be used free of charge by the participants. The committee is targeting 15-20 counties or cities that participated in a similar event next year. however, the organization of this year accompanied by complaints from the public that should be evaluated by the committee, among other visitor disappointment as usual diet already available on the market, does not reflect the theme of the festival as a venue for the presentation of the traditional cuisine of the archipelago. Hopefully next year better.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse
The total lunar eclipse can be watched in the region originally solo, was covered by clouds. Though these events have been waiting and going again 140 years to come. Lunar eclipse eclipse this time known as "blood moon" because it's appearance as red as blood red. Supposedly a total eclipse of the moon will appear at 19:06 pm. Total lunar eclipse occurs 3 times in 2015 this is the month of March, April and September.
Fast and furios 7 Solo euforia
excited .... that's the right word to describe the queue to watch the movie fast and furious 7. In social media, they upload status were queuing to watch the film. It is reasonable because the film shows the figure of the players who had died and revived to finish this film. turned on by presenting a similar cousin. as well as in Solo City, were thrilled to welcome the film. almost all the theaters began showing the film fast and furios 7. Happy those who do not have a busy and have small children. While we who have small children, will be devoted to the story of who has witnessed or wait for the DVD sold in the market.