Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Below the cliff resort

  Solo City Info, Solo city tourism
Wow ... really interesting look at one resort located on the border of the tourist sites Tawangmangu Karanganyar with Sarangan tourist sites. But until now, I do not know anyone who has ever lived there.
I actually doubt that the resort as a place to stay but for strange rituals. A person who I asked about the resort was also confirmed that in fact the great officials who often "stay" to perform rituals involving the position, wealth, power and often crowded ahead of regional elections.
wow, ... please believe it or not but that's the facts.

I prefer it actually resorts to be a place to stay. And very rarely resorts to place under the bridge. Unique once ... hopefully no one litter so that litter the resort's roof.

Therefore, let us support it resorts to the real tourist area and used to stay while enjoying the surrounding scenery is quite interesting.

By  Mas Yul 
Solo tourism info