Solo City Info, Indonesia tourism, Hotel in Solo Information Solo City this time about cheap hotels in the city of Solo. In addition to leading hotels in the city of Solo, there is widespread cheap hotel or inn.
For tourists from overseas and out of town, we recommend looking for the location of accommodation in the city like in the Kauman, Keprabon and Baluwarti or in territory Surakarta palace. In addition to its location in the middle of town, the area is relatively safe and quite clean hotel with very cheap rate of about $ 8 or Rp 75 thousand.
When staying in this area, then access to the city can be done quickly because it is close to the main road Slamet Riyadi.
As a suggestion, to locations in Keprabon is about 10-50 meters from the main road Slamet Riyadi. You can just walk away and when you arrived on Main Street You can just choose a bus transportation modes of economic (non air-conditioner) with a rate of Rp 2 thousand, bus air conditioner with a rate of Rp 3 thousand and Batik Solo Trans rates to Rp 3 thousand. All rates are valid far and near, which means that if our goal is much the same rates apply when we are near the goal.
Almost all taxis in the city of Solo to use metered, I recommend only using the air meter taxi. There are many taxis as Kosti Solo, Central Taxis Solo, Solo Taxi, Taxi Crown Solo, and Solo Taxi Gelora.
2 name of the taxi fleet mentioned earlier is the longest operating in Solo at the same time that we recommend.
By Mas Yul
Solo tourism Info
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